340B Prime Vendor Program Logo | Managed By Apexus

340B Compliance Tools and PVP Resources

The Prime Vendor has developed 340B Compliance Tools to help put 340B policy into practice.

340B Compliance Tools and Templates
Created by the PVP and HRSA-reviewed

These tools are intended to be a guide and should be carefully reviewed and modified based on your specific needs. Tools include policy and procedure templates, auditing plans, and additional resources to promote 340B Program integrity.

GPO Prohibition HOspitals (DSH, PED, CAN)

Grantees (STD, RW, HM, FP, BL, TB, MH)

Health Centers (CH, FQ, FQHC, FQHCLA, NH, UI)

Rural Hospitals (CAH, RRC, SCH)

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