340B Prime Vendor Program Logo | Managed By Apexus

Virtual Events

Participate in an upcoming live event.

Webinars and Office Hours

340B University webinars cover a variety of topics. Attend live for Q&A opportunities with compliance experts.

Purchasing Office Hours participants watch an educational video then attend a live meeting for open discussion. During the live session, attendees can ask questions and discuss operational challenges with peers and subject matter experts.

Participants should have direct operational experience with the 340B Program and have completed 340B University OnDemand modules and/or attended a 340B University in-person training prior to enrolling.

Steps to Participate

Enroll in the virtual event.

Complete any pre-work such as viewing assigned OnDemand modules, videos, or worksheets.

Participate in the live session and ask compliance experts your questions. Office Hours session attendees also have the opportunity to discuss experiences with peers.

Upcoming Events

Purchasing Office Hours

Event Date TBD

Waste, Expired Meds and Reverse Distribution

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