340B Program online learning modules are authored by subject matter experts to align with HRSA policy.
Complete all modules to gain new knowledge or focus on specific topics based on your areas of interest. Completion of all modules and the course evaluation will result in a statement of completion.
Self-paced, interactive online learning courses customized for 340B stakeholders.
Complete OnDemand modules to gain a foundational understanding of the 340B Program prior to attending in-person trainings or virtual offerings, such as a webinar or office hours session. Earning a statement of completion takes approximately four hours.
Re-enroll in the curriculum to update your Transcript and earn a new statement of completion. Re-enrollment is available one year from the date of previous completion, and is commonly used to fulfill employer 340B training requirements.
Choose stakeholder type to display tailored curricula:
Module Title
Introduction to the 340B Drug Pricing Program
14 minutes
Updated July 2024
Provides a foundational overview of the 340B Program and serves as a primer for the rest of the modules in the curriculum. Closed captioning available.
340B Stakeholder Perspectives
16 minutes
Updated October 2024
Describes the major stakeholders and their roles in the 340B Program. Closed captioning available.
Eligibility Overview
24 minutes
Outlines the types of 340B-eligible organizations and compliance best practices for covered entities. Closed captioning available.
340B Pricing
15 minutes
Updated May 2024
Describes how the 340B prices are calculated and the functions of manufacturers, wholesalers, and HRSA in 340B pricing. Closed captioning available.
Compliance Cornerstones
14 minutes
Provides an overview of the compliance cornerstones of the 340B Program, including prevention of diversion and duplicate discounts, GPO Prohibition, and the Orphan Drug Exclusion. Closed captioning available.
340B and Medicaid
12 minutes
Defines duplicate discounts and how they occur, as well as stakeholder roles in identifying and/or preventing them. Closed captioning available.
HRSA’s Medicaid Exclusion File
9 minutes
Discusses the role of the Medicaid Exclusion File (MEF) in preventing duplicate discounts and the uses of the MEF by 340B stakeholders. Closed captioning available.
340B Drug Delivery Models
15 Minutes
Provides an overview of the various drug delivery models in 340B implementation and identifies decision points and best practices for each model. Closed captioning available.
GPO Prohibition
10 Minutes
Defines the GPO Prohibition, which entities are subject to its requirements, and when an entity may use a GPO in a compliant manner. Closed captioning available.
Orphan Drug Exclusion
9 Minutes
Updated June 2024
Defines the Orphan Drug Exclusion, which entities are subject to its requirements, and approaches for compliance. Closed captioning available.
Contract Pharmacy
16 Minutes
Updated September 2024
Discusses compliance and operational considerations for using a contract pharmacy arrangement. Closed captioning available.
Entity-Owned Pharmacy
15 Minutes
Discusses compliance and operational considerations of using an entity-owned pharmacy model. Closed captioning available.
Hospital Mixed-Use Pharmacy
11 Minutes
Discusses 340B inventory models in mixed-use areas of a hospital, and the role of split-billing software when purchasing from multiple accounts. Closed captioning available.
Audit Process and Preparedness
16 Minutes
Discusses the process of HRSA and manufacturer audits of covered entities, as well as types of self-audits to maintain a compliant 340B program. Closed captioning available.
PVP Contracting
12 Minutes
Describes the role and benefits of the Prime Vendor Program (PVP), including contracting solutions to provide value for PVP participants. Closed captioning available.
340B for the C-Suite
14 Minutes
Tailored to executive leadership; discusses the value and risks to an organization by participating in the 340B Program.
340B and the Manufacturer
15 Minutes
Outlines compliance and operational requirements for manufacturers, including the requirements of the pharmaceutical pricing agreement. Closed captioning available.
340B and the Distributor
11 Minutes
Outlines compliance and operational best practices for distributors, including the role in processing chargebacks.
Supplemental Courses
Supplemental learning modules are available to enhance baseline knowledge following completion of the OnDemand core curriculum. Supplemental courses focus on pharmacy operations, application of PVP resources and tools, as well as considerations for compliance.
A Buyer’s Introduction to 340B >
15 Minutes
Helps buyers understand the 340B Program and how it affects procurement processes.
15 Minutes
Helps buyers understand the purpose of the 340B Prime Vendor Program and how to find education and support tools for stakeholders on the PVP website.
340B Compliance Concepts for Buyers Part 1 >
15 Minutes
Understand what diversion and duplicate discounts are in the 340B Program and how they can help prevent violations at entities.
340B Compliance Concepts for Buyers Part 2 >
15 Minutes
Understand 340B Program compliance concepts around the Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) Prohibition and the Orphan Drug Exclusion.
Basics of Compliant Purchasing and the Prime Vendor's Role in Purchasing >
15 Minutes
Understand the foundations of purchasing decisions at a covered entity and the role of Apexus as the 340B Prime Vendor.
PVP Distribution Network and Account Type Contract Loads >
15 Minutes
Review the role of the PVP Distribution Network, as well as the different types of contract pricing, including PVP contracts, that are loaded to each of type of purchasing account to support compliant purchasing practices.
15 Minutes
Explore the Prime Vendor's contracts to enable your covered entity to make informed purchasing decisions.
PVP Resources for Informed Purchasing >
15 Minutes
Explore the tools available for Prime Vendor Program participants, including the PVP Catalog and purchasing tools that aid in compliant and optimized purchasing.
Managing Physical Clinic Inventory >
10 Minutes
Review key 340B compliance considerations and best practices when setting up and maintaining 340B physical inventory in a clinic setting.
View Module 1: Introduction to the 340B Drug Pricing Program (13 min).